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Wednesday, August 28, 2013


If you already have the stones in your kidney, there are a few things that would give you some comfort for the pain you experience. Drink lots of water and occasionally squeeze half a lemon into your glass of water to get you some citric acid. You can apply a little warmth and pressure to the kidney area; it will relieve some pain.

Take diuretic herbs. Dandelion tea is a good thing if you are looking to urinate more often. While passing, kidney stones can cause inflammation in the ureter. You can take marshmallow roots for the inflammation.

Here are a few natural ways to get rid of your kidney stones:


Basil is good for toning the kidney. You can take it for the overall health of your kidney. One teaspoon of basil juice and raw honey is very effective for kidney stones. Take it for six months and see the results for yourself.


Dandelion roots are an excellent remedy for kidney stones. Dandelion has anti-inflammatory properties which will help with the pain that accompanies the stone.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranates are known to offer various health benefits, but the juice of pomegranates and its seed are especially beneficial for the kidneys and are considered a remedy for stones. It is suspected that the sour and sharp taste of pomegranate contributes to its property of healing kidneys. You will be benefited from a glass of freshly squeezed juice of pomegranate.

Kidney Bean Pods

It is amusing that the shape of the bean itself defines one of the major benefits of a kidney bean. It is used as a medical tonic and works well as a urinary remedy of kidney stones. One of the best ways to take it is as such: extract the beans from the pods and let the pods boil for six hours. Make sure that the water is purified, though (it would be a shame if the stoned kidney has to purify its own cure). The liquid that you obtain should now be strained. Cheesecloth or any other cloth of your preference will do. Take the liquid throughout the day to ease the pain of stone.

The Fruit Mix For Kidney Stones

One of the most effective remedies for kidney stone. This is how you take it:
Mix organic olive oil and organic lemon juice (2 oz. each) and drink it without a pause. Now take a glass of purified water. Then wait for half an hour.
Now take another glass of water with half a lemon squeezed into it. Add a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar and finally drink the liquid mixture.

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