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Saturday, August 31, 2013


Amazing Grapes

Grape seed extract is made from the seed of the grape and is beneficial for a number of cardiovascular conditions such as poor circulation and high cholesterol. The extract has also been found useful in the treatment of diabetes-related eye disease, loss of vision due to aging, and swelling associated with injury. Currently, GSE is being studied in the treatment of leukemia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Interestingly, past research also points to berries as a solution for colorectal cancer and many other cancers. In one study, the growth of new tumors in mice fed black raspberry decreased by 45 percent and the total number of tumors went down 60 percent. Other research found that foods rich in flavanols (berries, grapes, apples) also reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Advanced Cancer and Grape Seed Extract

The bioactive compounds in grape seed extract selectively target many types of cancer cells. With an increase in colorectal cancer, the findings of this study are timely. By the time most people are diagnosed with the disease, it is in the advanced stages. But thankfully, as mentioned, researchers found that it required less grape seed extract to kill advanced cancer cells than it did cells in the early stage. It is thought that the extract kills cancer cells by a process of oxidative stress.


The difficulty with the liver is that it doesn’t ‘cry out in pain’.  You can do serious damage to it and never experience symptoms you would connect or directly relate to a congested liver.  However, there are many signs such as several deep lines or puffiness between the eyebrows, and being unable to tolerate the cold in winter.  On the flip side, if your liver is overactive, you may also feel feverish and find summer months very uncomfortable.
Other symptoms and signs of liver damage include:
  • Anemia
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Dark urine
  • Small red ‘spots’ the size of a pinhead that come and go in various parts on the body
  • Skin problems such as eczema, acne, hives, itching, rashes.  Skin may have dark pigmentation or spots on face, back of hands, forehead, or around the nose.
  • Jaundice (yellowing of skin)
  • Eye problems (sensitivity to light, moving spots, double vision)
  • Whites of eyes become yellow
  • Mineral deficiency
  • Hormonal imbalances in women creating malfunctions in conception and loss of sex drive
  • Hormonal balances in men which may produce feminine qualities
  • Loss of weight
  • Obesity
  • Sinus and tonsil issues
  • Alternating constipation and diarrhea
  • Headaches, dizziness, and shivering
  • Loss of appetite
  • Eating disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
Since an impaired liver can not process toxins, even the brain and central nervous system are affected. This can cause depression, daydreaming, an inability to concentrate and remember things, and more severe things like mental outbursts.

Other Organs Affected by Liver Damage

In order to heal the liver, all other organs must be strengthened as well. This includes the kidneys and bladder and digestive functions (including stomach and pancreas), which are controlled by the liver.
Recall that as the liver weakens, it pulls energy away from the stomach, digestion, and pancreas, so this causes the stomach to not digest well.

Friday, August 30, 2013


Reduce sinus infections and sore throats
Balance high cholesterol
Cure skin conditions such as acne
Protect against food poisoning
Fight allergies in both humans and animals
Prevent muscle fatigue after exercise
Strengthen the immune system
Increase stamina
Increase metabolism which promotes weight loss
Improve digestion and cure constipation
Alleviate symptoms of arthritis and gout
Prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections


Eating wheat may not be beneficial to your health. Among many other reasons, each grain contains about one microgram of Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA). Even in small quantities, WGA can have profoundly adverse effects. It may be pro-inflammatory, immunotoxic, cardiotoxic … and neurotoxic.

According to an article on Green Med Info:
“WGA can pass through the blood brain barrier (BBB) through a process called ‘adsorptive endocytosis’ … WGA may attach to the protective coating on the nerves known as the myelin sheathand is capable of inhibiting nerve growth factor which is important for the growth, maintenance, and survival of certain target neurons. WGA binds to N-Acetylglucosamine which is believed to function as an atypical neurotransmitter functioning in nocioceptive (pain) pathways.”
Most people believe that grains are a wholesome part of a healthy diet, particularly whole grains, such as whole wheat. Whole grains are also one of the relatively few foods that are allowed to make health claims on their labels, relating whole grains with a reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

Unfortunately, there’s a large body of evidence indicating that whole grains, and whole wheat in particular (yes even organic), can contribute to significant health problems—both physical and mental. This evidence, however, has not registered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—the first two of which developed the dietary guideline to consume three or more ounces of whole grain products per day.

When you begin to review the evidence stacked up against whole grains, it becomes rather self-evident that our reliance on wheat and other grains may be one of the primary culprits for the poor health of so many.
Here, my primary focus will be on the mental health impacts of wheat, but for even more information about why wheat isn’t the health food you’ve been lead to believe, please review the two articles referenced above, and the long list of related studies.

The Side Effects of Wheat Consumption—It’s Not Just about Celiac Disease

Many of you may be familiar with Celiac disease (CD), a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by intolerance to wheat gluten. According to statistics from the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, an average of one out of every 133 otherwise healthy people in the United States suffers from CD. However, an estimated 20-30 percent of the world’s population may carry the genetic susceptibility to celiac disease—and the way to avoid turning these genes ‘on’ is by avoiding gluten.
When you consider that undiagnosed CD is associated with a nearly four-fold increased risk of premature death, the seriousness of this food sensitivity becomes quite evident. The primary disease mechanism at play is chronic inflammation, and chronic inflammatory and degenerative conditions are endemic to grain-consuming populations.
However, other rampant health afflictions include depression, ADD/ADHD, and Alzheimer’s disease, just to name a few. As it turns out, excessive wheat consumption may play a significant role here as well. In fact, there’s evidence suggesting that gluten sensitivity may be at the root of many neurological- and psychiatric conditions.

The Toxic Effects of Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)

Wheat contains high amounts of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA); a glycoprotein classified as a lectin, which is largely responsible for many of wheat’s ill effects. Other grains high in lectins include rice, spelt, and rye.
Interestingly enough, the highest amounts of WGA is found in whole wheat, including its sprouted form, which is touted as being the most healthful form of all…  Aside from high amounts of WGA, wheat also contains a number of other potentially health-harming components, including:
  • Gliadin (an alcohol soluble protein component)
  • Gliadomorpin (exorphins, or group of opioid peptides that form during digestion of the gluten protein)
  • Enzyme inhibitors
The traditional ways of addressing many of these anti-nutrients is by sprouting, fermenting and cooking. However, lectins are designed to withstand degradation through a wide range of pH and temperatures. WGA lectin is particularly tough because it’s actually formed by the same disulfide bonds that give strength and resilience to vulcanized rubber and human hair.
Furthermore, because lectins are so small, and hard to digest, they tend to bioaccumulate in your body, where they can interfere with biological processes. WGA is particularly troublesome in this regard. Studies indicate it has a number of health-harming characteristics and activities:


(NaturalNews) In a society addicted to sugars, grains, dairy and alcohol, it becomes very difficult to treat the widespread digestive diseases occurring in North America. Add in a tainted and low nutrient food supply; antibiotics and prescriptions; heavy metal intake through dental fillings, vaccinations and environment; and plenty of undue stress and you have created the perfect environment for an inner ecology imbalance commonly known as candidiasis. However, there is hope to win the battle by incorporating these powerful foods into your diet on a daily basis.

Fermented vegetables

In a war being won by pathogenic bacteria, you need to build up your friendly bacteria in order to start taking control of your internal ecosystem so that a proper balance can be maintained. A superior way to do this is through the consumption of fermented vegetables.

Fermented vegetables were a popular way to preserve food for long period of time, but have since become more popular for being an exceptional source of probiotics, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and a way to eliminate toxins, rejuvenate your cells, and strengthen your immune system.

In short, fermented vegetables are a great way to redevelop your inner terrain and create the thriving bacteria required to control and heal a candida overgrowth.

Coconut kefir

Though not as well known as dairy kefirs and kombucha, coconut kefir has received credit as being a staple to helping heal candida infections.

Not only does it introduce beneficial probiotics to your intestinal system, it also helps strip the mucosal layer (often caused by prescriptions) that often prevents the absorption of good bacteria and other life promoting nutrients and lays down a mucosal layer that is more beneficial to the good bacteria.

Besides that, it also aids in the digestion of all foods, cleanses the liver and endocrine systems and contains high levels of minerals that all help heal a candida infection.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in enzymes and helps to naturally regulate the presence of candida in the body. It is a rich source of probiotics, balances your pH, and also helps to strip away the unhealthy gut biofilm that houses all kinds of pathogenic bacteria and parasites and prevents your intestinal system from properly absorbing nutrients.


Garlic is a proven antifungal and has been shown to be effective against candida. In a 1988 study, the growth of candida was found to be markedly inhibited by AGE (aqueous garlic extract). In another article, published by Huntington College of Health Sciences, research clearly showed that garlic has anti-candidal activity, inhibiting both the growth and function of Candida Albicans.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a very versatile fat that contains three different fatty acids (caprylic acid, capric acid, and lauric acid) that have all been found to be effective against candida.

For those suffering from candida, the most important ingredient is caprylic acid. This potent antifungal kills candida yeast cells by interfering with their cell walls. Capric and lauric acid have similar effects, creating a dynamic combination of antifungal treatments that results in less likelihood of resistance.

There are plenty of other foods and herbs to consider in your anti-candida diet, including oregano oil, pau d'arco, aloe vera, and cloves. The key is to mix it up to stay ahead of the adapting candida, until you can create and maintain a proper intestinal flora balance, primarily through probiotic and enzyme rich foods.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


In Plastic and Wooden Cutting Boards by Dean O. Cliver, Ph.D of UC Davis, they noted that “the U.S. Department of Agriculture told us they had no scientific evidence to support their recommendation that plastic, rather than wooden cutting boards”.

The problem is that while it may seem like plastic is non-porous and can’t absorb liquids, with use the surface becomes knife-scarred.  This rough surface is exceptionally difficult to clean, even with bleach or running through the dishwasher.  Wood, by contrast, shows the ability to halt the growth of and kill bacteria applied to its surface.  Both new and used wooden cutting boards maintain this ability equally well.

In a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin (also by Dr. Cliver), they tested bacteria known to produce food poisoning – Salmonella, Listeria and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. These bacteria were placed on cutting boards made from seven different species of trees and four types of plastic. All the wooden boards consistently outperformed the plastic.
The scientists found that three minutes after contaminating a board that 99.9 percent of the bacteria on wooden boards had died, while none of the bacteria died on plastic. Bacterial numbers actually increased on plastic cutting boards held overnight at room temperature, but the scientists could not recover any bacteria from wooden boards treated the same way.
Dr. Cliver also discusses a case-control study of sporadic salmonellosis in Plastic and Wooden Cutting Boards:
(This study) revealed that those using wooden cutting boards in their home kitchens were less than half as likely as average to contract salmonellosis (odds ratio 0.42, 95% confidence interval 0.22-0.81), those using synthetic (plastic or glass) cutting boards were about twice as likely as average to contract salmonellosis (O.R. 1.99, C.I. 1.03-3.85); and the effect of cleaning the board regularly after preparing meat on it was not statistically significant (O.R. 1.20, C.I. 0.54-2.68).
Basically, wood cutting boards kill bacteria.  They can’t figure out exactly how, but they know that it’s true.  Old or new, wood cutting boards add an extra line of defense to your kitchen.  Bamboo may have similar properties, but the only test data I was able to find about antimicrobial properties of bamboo focused on bamboo cloth.  Read Bamboo – is it Antimicrobial?
  • Wood cutting boards protect your knives and don’t dull them like ceramic or glass cutting boards.
  • Wood is completely biodegradable and renewable. 
  • Wood cutting boards may support small business.  Check out your local farmers markets and craft fairs for handmade products.


Magnesium is a mineral responsible for numerous bodily processes. An anti-inflammatory mineral offering protection against illnesses like arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease, magnesium has been used to remedy problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory issues, and much more. But as you may suspect, just as upping magnesium intake can solve problems, a magnesium deficiency could lead to many of those same issues and much more.
Here are 16 signs of a magnesium deficiency.
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Poor heart health
  • Weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Tremors
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • High blood pressure
  • Type II diabetes
  • Respiratory issues
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Potassium deficiency
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Poor memory
  • Confusion
It’s important to note that while these are symptoms of a magnesium deficiency, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are definitely deficient in magnesium if you experience the above issues.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


If you already have the stones in your kidney, there are a few things that would give you some comfort for the pain you experience. Drink lots of water and occasionally squeeze half a lemon into your glass of water to get you some citric acid. You can apply a little warmth and pressure to the kidney area; it will relieve some pain.

Take diuretic herbs. Dandelion tea is a good thing if you are looking to urinate more often. While passing, kidney stones can cause inflammation in the ureter. You can take marshmallow roots for the inflammation.

Here are a few natural ways to get rid of your kidney stones:


Basil is good for toning the kidney. You can take it for the overall health of your kidney. One teaspoon of basil juice and raw honey is very effective for kidney stones. Take it for six months and see the results for yourself.


Dandelion roots are an excellent remedy for kidney stones. Dandelion has anti-inflammatory properties which will help with the pain that accompanies the stone.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranates are known to offer various health benefits, but the juice of pomegranates and its seed are especially beneficial for the kidneys and are considered a remedy for stones. It is suspected that the sour and sharp taste of pomegranate contributes to its property of healing kidneys. You will be benefited from a glass of freshly squeezed juice of pomegranate.

Kidney Bean Pods

It is amusing that the shape of the bean itself defines one of the major benefits of a kidney bean. It is used as a medical tonic and works well as a urinary remedy of kidney stones. One of the best ways to take it is as such: extract the beans from the pods and let the pods boil for six hours. Make sure that the water is purified, though (it would be a shame if the stoned kidney has to purify its own cure). The liquid that you obtain should now be strained. Cheesecloth or any other cloth of your preference will do. Take the liquid throughout the day to ease the pain of stone.

The Fruit Mix For Kidney Stones

One of the most effective remedies for kidney stone. This is how you take it:
Mix organic olive oil and organic lemon juice (2 oz. each) and drink it without a pause. Now take a glass of purified water. Then wait for half an hour.
Now take another glass of water with half a lemon squeezed into it. Add a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar and finally drink the liquid mixture.

Monday, August 26, 2013





A new study from Zheijian Provincial People's Hospital in Zheijiang, China indicates that a compound in turmeric known as curcumin, which gives the spice its characteristic saffron-like color, is capable of inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis) within triple negative breast cancer cells.1

Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), so named because the cells do not have the characteristic receptors for estrogen, progesterone and Her2/neu, is considered the most treatment resistant, primarily because these 'missing receptors' are required for many of the most popular conventional treatments to work, e.g. Tamoxifen targets estrogen receptors. For this reason, TNBC is considered the most aggressive, the most likely to be treated with less-targeted (and therefore more toxic) forms of chemotherapy, and the soonest to return when treatment fails.

Approximately 15-25% of all breast cancer cases are triple negative. Unfortunately, however, the most visible non-profit foundation dedicated to bringing awareness to the condition, the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation, is focused almost exclusively on raising awareness and money for a future pharmaceutical "cure"  – much in the same way as its partner, Susan G. Komen, and the larger breast cancer awareness organization, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, act as if removing and addressing the obvious causes of cancer, e.g. carcinogenic chemical and radiation exposures, were not the first priority.  For those suffering through or recovering from treatment right now, or trying to decide what to do with a new diagnosis, this latest Chinese study is promising.

Detractors, of course, point out that this latest curcumin research occurred on the level of a cell study, which in the pyramidal power structure of "evidence-based medicine," where the randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled human clinical study is the sole determinant of the ultimate truth, is the most insignificant, and least compelling as far informing treatment decisions. This view, however, is rather naive, insofar the criteria for determining a substance's potential for future use as an FDA drug is not its effectiveness, safety or availability to those in need, rather, how proprietary and profitable the formula is to manufacture, distribute and market to consumers. The "gold standard" of evidence-based medicine therefore becomes literally: "those who own the gold make the standard."
This is not the first study to reveal curcumin's potential value in treating breast cancer. A growing body of experimental evidence  clearly shows that curcumin provides a potential drug alternative.

Other pre-clinically confirmed natural candidates for combating triple negative breast cancer include:


Parsley is well known for decorating a plate, freshening your breath and getting stuck in your teeth.  But did you know that it is also a cancer crusader?  Research shows this tiny green may stop the growth of breast cancer tumors associated with synthetic hormone replacement therapy.

The use of synthetic progestins as part of hormone replacement therapy has been clearly linked to an increase in breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women.

In a study published in Cancer Prevention Research scientists exposed rats to apigenin, a common flavonoid found in parsley, other plants, fruits and nuts.  The rats on apigenin developed fewer tumors and experienced significant delays in tumor formation compared to those that were not exposed to apigenin.

The finding is significant for the six to ten million women in the U.S. who use synthetic hormone replacement therapies.  The authors noted that certain hormones used in synthetic HRT accelerate breast tumor development.  The study exposed rats to one of the chemical progestins used in the most common HRTs prescribed in the United States -- medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA).  MPA progestin is known to be the same synthetic hormone that accelerates breast tumor development.

According to the researchers, when tumor cells develop in the breast in response to MPA progestin, they encourage new blood vessels to form within tumors. The blood vessels then supply needed nutrients for the tumors to grow and multiply.
But they found that apigenin blocked new blood vessel formation, thereby delaying, and sometimes stopping, the development of the tumors, and reducing the overall number of tumors.
Apigenin is most prevalent in parsley and its cousin, celery.  It can also be found in:
  • Chinese cabbage
  • bell peppers
  • apples
  • cherries
  • oranges
  • nuts
  • wine
  • tea
The researchers could not recommend a specific dosage for humans but suggested keeping a minimum level of apigenin in the bloodstream to delay the onset of breast cancer that progresses in response to progestins such as MPA in synthetic HRT.  They advised eating a little parsley and some fruit every day to ensure the minimal amount in the blood stream.
Besides being rich in apigenin, parsley is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K. It's also a good source of iron and folate.

Parsley is the most popular herb in the world.  Before it became accepted as a food, it was used medicinally and the ancient Greeks considered it sacred.  In folk medicine parsley is used as a diuretic

Sunday, August 25, 2013


The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions...Must Share

• Halts the growth of cancer tumors.
• Lowers high cholesterol.
• Repairs "sludge blood" and reverses "sticky blood".
• Boosts the oxygenation of your blood.
• Eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain.
• Protects the body from oxidative stress.
• Prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in coffee and tea.
• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits.
• Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn's disease and other digestive disorders.
• Reduces high blood pressure natural, by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.
• Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients.
• Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation burns.
• Replaces dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and antibacterial sprays obsolete.
• Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract.
• Ends constipation.
• Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics.
• Prevents and treats candida infections.
• Protects the kidneys from disease.
• Functions as nature's own "sports drink" for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks obsolete.
• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance.
• Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion.
• Hydrates the skin, accelerates skin repair.


The super spice, cloves, comes from a dried bud on the Myrtaceae tree that grows in tropical climates throughout the world, but that originated in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Southern India. The health benefits of cloves are so great that the spice is harvested profusely in Zanzibar and is used in folk-remedies around the world – including Chinese medicine. Over 1000 tons of cloves are imported to the US ever year.

Some Health Benefits of Cloves: Massive Nutritional and Antioxidant Value

This incredible spice has an ORAC value Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) that is through the roof – of over 290,000. That’s a lot of antioxidants.  This herb is also full of manganese, more than almost any other food. Manganese is an important trace mineral for the body because it activates multiple enzymes, particularly anginas which help in the formation of urea. Manganese also form the enzyme peptides which are responsible for the hydrolosis of proteins in the intestines. This mineral helps with lipid metabolism (getting rid of fat) and keeping the nervous system stable (reducing irritability).

Anti-Viral and Anti-Bacterial Properties: Other Health Benefits of Cloves

  • Cloves also have anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities, and can even prevent adult onset diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar levels.
  • Cloves have been used to treat asthma and as an anesthetic.
  • Clove oil is even better at repelling mosquitoes than citronella.
  • Clove oil can help relieve muscle spasms, as well, so it was used as a natural way to aid in childbirth for centuries.
  • Due to its antimicrobial properties, clove oil can treat skin problems like acne and warts.
  • Clove oil or clove tea can also help treat insomnia.
This powerful plant can be used in myriad ways to heal the body. Along with other vitamins and minerals like vitamins C, K, and calcium, cloves can treat multiple diseases which are caused by a deficiency in nutrient dense foods – from cardiovascular problems, depression, and even cancer.
Cloves are best when the dried bud is kept in tact and used fresh; however, there are tinctures, dried powders, and even clove teas that can be used on a daily basis. If you can obtain clove whole and grind them yourself, you will be consuming more of the antioxidants and healthful constituents. A hot tea prepared with cloves, cinnamon and bay leaves is incredibly tasty and full of health-restoring properties.

Experience the health benefits of cloves today!




It could be a miracle cure for dengue. And the best part is you can make it at home.

The juice of the humble papaya leaf has been seen to arrest the destruction of platelets that has been the cause for so many deaths this dengue season. Ayurveda researchers have found that enzymes in the papaya leaf can fight a host of viral infections, not just dengue, and can help regenerate platelets and white blood cells.

Scores of patients have benefited from the papaya leaf juice, say doctors.

Papaya has always been known to be good for the digestive system. Due to its rich vitamin and mineral content, it is a health freak's favourite. But its dengue -fighting properties have only recently been discovered.

Chymopapin and papin - enzymes in the papaya leaf - help revive platelet count, say experts. ...

Source : Times of India.


The anti-inflammatory and detoxification power of cilantro, a medicinal herb whose seeds are known as coriander, is greatly underrated and largely unknown in Western culture today. But if you suffer from a chronic inflammatory disease, which can manifest itself as arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, heart disease, brain fog, fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome, and a number of other debilitating illnesses, then cilantro just might be the natural solution for you.

Rich in phytonutrients, flavonoids, and active phenolic compounds, cilantro has long been used by ancient cultures to prevent indigestion and other digestive disorders, and recent studies have confirmed that the herb does, indeed, help alleviate various stomach ailments. Dr. James A. Duke, Ph.D., a retired botanist from the U.S.Department of Agriculture(USDA) and author ofThe CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, for instance, says that drinking a cup of cilantro leaf tea can remedy any form of stomach discomfort.

Cilantro contains two specific compounds known as cineole and linoleic acid that both possess anti-arthritic and anti-rheumatic properties. Cilantro also contains a substance known as dodecenal that is twice as powerful as the antibiotic drug gentamicin at fighting infection and eradicating harmful microbes from the body. Cilantro is also a natural antiseptic that can help wounds heal more quickly, and is a natural chelator of heavy metals from the body.

Eating several tablespoons of cilantro-based pesto every day, in fact, or supplementing with cilantro capsules, is an excellent way to help cleanse your body of toxic heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, and lead, which can accumulate in tissue and elsewhere as a result of repeated environmental and dietary exposure. Adding cilantro juice to a cleansing coffee enema is another great way to detoxify your body of heavy metals naturally.

Cilantro as a natural anti-inflammatory medicine

As far as inflammation is concerned, researchers from theAll India Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS) in New Delhi, India, found that rats given a powdered extract of coriander seeds to treat rheumatoid arthritis experienced far less swelling and inflammation compared to rats given a steroid treatment for the condition. The research team also found that coriander extract can alleviate joint inflammation associated with other types of arthritis as well. “We undertook this experiment after we found [cilantro's] mention in the traditional systems of medicine like Ayurveda and Unani for its anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic activities,” said Surender Singh, co-author of the study which was published in theIndian Journal of Medical Research. Traditional Ayurveda and Unani, after all, have long used cilantro, with much success, to treat inflammatory conditions

A 2004 study published in the journalFood Chemistryfound similar benefits for both cilantro and coriander, but noted that cilantro leaf extracts are the most potent. Since those suffering from chronic inflammatory conditions have been found to have lower-than-normal antioxidant levels, and cilantro is a powerful antioxidant, it is hypothesized that the mechanism by which this medicinal herb alleviates inflammation is via its unique antioxidant content.

So how can you integrate cilantro into your own diet? Blending a handful of fresh, organic cilantro into your daily smoothie is one option. You can also throw some cilantro in your regular juicing recipes, and also sprinkle it into salads, stews, and other meals. Chopped cilantro also tastes great when added to fresh salsas and dips, so you can try adding it to those recipes.


Why invest in expensive electrical air purifiers when you could purchase a few types of houseplants to clean and filter the air naturally and inexpensively?

Much of the research on these beneficial houseplants has been done by NASA scientists researching ways to create suitable space station habitats. All indoors plants (flowering or not) are able to purify indoor air to some degree through their normal photosynthesis processes. But some were found to be more beneficial than others in removing harmful household toxins, even removing 90% of chemicals in the air in only twenty-four hours!

The three main household toxins of concern are:
  • benzene
  • formaldahyde
  • trichloroethylene
These carcinogenic chemicals are used in the manufacturing of synthetic substances and materials and are off-gased from new materials for some time (up to several years, depending on the material of product in question). Benzene can also be emitted from gas ranges during use, making some types of houseplants below great for use in the kitchen.
This means these types of houseplants may just decrease your risk of cancers, asthma, allergies, auto-immune disorders and other diseases.

Tips for Choosing and Caring for Your Plants

Below you'll find the common name and botanical name of each plant, its benefit to you and your home and a few ideas of the type of care it needs.
Along with a corresponding photo and the following tips, you can decide which plant is best for your home.
  • Choose one 10- to 12-inch potted plant per 100 square foot of your home for the most effective air purification.
  • Cross-reference several care guides to check for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Because common names can very, be sure to cross-reference the botanical name of any plant you get to ensure it will do the job you need it to do.
  • Consider where you might place your plants and the amount of sun they will receive to ensure your plant will thrive in that area.
  • Make note of the water needed and write it on a calendar so that you can keep the watering schedules balanced.
  • Periodically dust the leaves of each plant with a damp cloth to ensure proper absorption of air particles and toxins.
  • Keep their soil replenished with rich compost or compost tea. Avoid non-organic or synthetic fertilizers.
  • Whenever possible, capture rainwater for your plants. All types of houseplants thrive best with natural sources of water.
IMPORTANT: Please note that these houseplants are good for purifying air, but that doesn't mean they are safe for pets or kids who like to put things in their mouth.

Nineteen Houseplants That Clean Indoor Air

The following list of beneficial types of houseplants should get you started in finding the right plants for your home.
Common Name: Aloe Vera
Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis
aloe vera 
Benefits: Not only can it be used for burns on the skin, it is also known to remove formaldahyde from the air.
Notes: Needs well-drained soil with slight drying between waterings, full sun is best with protection from high heats. Although largely known for its healing properties, it is considered to be an irritant to some.
Common Name: Areca Palm
Botanical Name: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
areca silk plant

Benefits: General air purifier, especially as it grows larger. It's known for being one of the better performers in purifying the air.
Notes: Moderately drought tolerant and prefers partial sun and well-drained soil.

Common Name: Baby Rubber Plant
Botanical Name: Peperomia obtusifolia or Ficus robusta
baby rubber plant

Benefits: These houseplants clean the air by emitting high oxygen content, and purifies indoor air by removing chemicals, such as formaldahyde or other toxins.
Notes: Likes filtered light, infrequent watering and rich soil. I've found conflicting information as to whether or not this plant contains any poisonous parts.

Common Name: Bamboo Palm or Reed Palm
Botanical Name: Chamaedorea seifrizii
bamboo palm

Benefits: According to NASA, it removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier.
Notes: Likes bright, indirect light and prefers to remain moist but not too much and doesn't like sitting in water.

Common Name: Boston Fern
Botanical Name: Nephrolepis exaltata Bostoniensis
boston fern

Benefits: Said to act as a natural air humidifier, removes formaldahyde and is a general air purifier. Said to be among the best in air purifying houseplants.
Notes: Likes bright light and damp soil but can be tolerant of drought or partial light.

Common Name: Chinese Evergreen
Botanical Name: Aglaonema sp.
chinese evergreen

Benefits: Emits high oxygen content, and purifies indoor air by removing chemicals, such as formaldahyde, benzene or other toxins.
Notes: Does well with full shade and good draining; variegated plants need more sunlight. The sap of this plant is considered poisonous and is an irritant.

Common Name: Corn Cane or Mass Cane
Botanical Name: Dracaena massangeana or dracaena fragrans Massangeana
cane tree

Benefits: Known for removing formaldahyde and known generally as one of the houseplants that clean the air.
Notes: Does great with low light and low water.

Common Name: Dwarf/Pygmy Date Palm
Botanical Name: Phoenix roebelenii
pygymy date palm tree

Benefits: Said to remove formaldehyde and xylene (a chemical found in plastics and solvents) from the air.
Notes: Loves lots of sun, moist soil and warm water.

Common Name: English Ivy
Botanical Name: Hedera helix
english ivy

Benefits: It's known for removing the chemical benzene, a known carcinogen found in cigarette smoke, detergents, pesticides, and the off-gasing of other synthetic materials, is said to be fantastic for asthma and allergies and also removes formaldehyde.
Notes: Can be invasive, making it great for a potted plant.

Common Name: Ficus alii
Botanical Name: Ficus maeleilandii alii
Benefits: Said to be a great overall air purifier.
Notes: These types of houseplants love indirect sunlight; be careful not to overwater. Those with allergies to latex may react to this plant!

Common Name: Gerbera Daisy
Botanical Name: Gerbera sp. or Gerbera jamesonii

gerbera daisy

Benefits: NASA says this plant is fantastic at removing benzene, a known cancer-causing chemical. It also absorbs carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen overnight, which is said to improve your sleep!
Notes: Likes bright light

Common Name: Golden Pothos
Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum syn. Scindapsus aureus
golden pothos

Benefits: NASA places this plant among the top 3 types of houseplants great for removing formaldhyde. Also known for removing carbon monoxide and increasing general indoor air quality.
Notes: Needs less water in colder temps and partial sun.

Common Name: Janet Craig
Botanical Name: Draecana deremensis
janet craig houseplants

Benefits: Lady Palm is said to be a good overall air purifier, removing most air pollutants.
Notes: Prefers indirect sunlight, and watering without fertilizers.

Common Name: Kimberly Queen Fern
Botanical Name: Nephrolepis obliterata
kimberly queen houseplants

Benefits: These types of houseplants clean formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene out of your home.
Notes: Prefers bright but indirect sunlight, with dry soil between waterings (but not dry for too long).

Common Name: Lady Palm (plus 10+ varieties)
Botanical Name: Rhapis Excelsa
lady palm

Benefits: These types of houseplants are said to be a good overall air purifier, removing most air pollutants.
Notes: Prefers partial sun all day and shade in the winter, with more frequent water in hotter months, but never allow to sit in water or be overwatered.

Common Name: Marginata or Dragon tree
Botanical Name: Dracaena marginata

Benefits: Known for purifying the air of the carcinogen, benzene, commonly found in the off-gasing of synthetic materials, ciagerette smoke and other household chemicals. Also known for removing formaldahyde, xylene (found in varnishes, paints and paint thinners) and trichloroethylene (found in solvents) from the air.
Notes: It requires little attention, tolerates dry soil and irregular watering and prefers no direct sunlight. It is, however, susceptible to fluoride toxicity (so fluoridated water sources may need to be avoided).

Common Name: Moth Orchid
Botanical Name: Phalaenopsis
moth orchid plant

Benefits: Said to remove VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and formaldahyde commonly off-gased from paints, solvents and other synthetic materials.
Notes: Thrives in high humidity, lots of light (but not hot, mid-day sun) and thorough waterings with, unlike many types of houseplants, almost complete drying out between.

Common Name: Mums
Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum sp. or Chrysanthemum morifolium

Benefits: Very effective at removing benzene, a carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) associated with most chemicals, plastics, cigarettes and off-gasing. Also removes trichloroethylene (found in solvets and cleaners), formaldehyde and ammonia.
Notes: Likes partial sun, and lots of water. Although they're among the houseplants that clean the air, they only flower once and are generally annual plants, especially when planted outdoors.

Common Name: Peace Lily
Botanical Name: Spathiphyllum sp.
peace lily

Benefits: Known for removing benzene, a common household chemical and known carcinogen. It's also said to remove mold spores in the air, making it great for bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms; purifying the air of trichloroethylene, a chemical found in cleaners and solvents; and removing alcohols, acetone, and formaldehyde.
Notes: Easy to care for, it prefers lots of water, less often and bright, indirect light.

Common Name: Philodendron
Botanical Name: P. cordatum, P.scandens or P. selloum

Benefits: Also noted by NASA among the best tyoes of houseplants for removing formaldahyde, especially higher concentrations.
Notes: Philodendrons are considered poisonous, so keep out of the reach of children and pets.

Common Name: Snake Plant
Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
snake plant

Benefits: Found by NASA to absorb toxins, such as nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.
Notes: It tolerates low light levels and irregular watering (and needs only a few waterings throughout winter).

Common Name: Schefflera, or Umbrella Tree
Botanical Name: Brassaia actinophylla

Benefits: Said to remove benzene (a carcinogenic substance) from the air.
Notes: Can be toxic to pets and children. Prfers bright but indirect sun and lots of water and humidity.

Common Name: Spider Plant
Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum
spider plant

Benefits: NASA places this plant among the top 3 types of houseplants that are great at removing formaldahyde. Also removes carbon monoxide and other toxins or impurities.
Notes: Likes bright, indirect light and lots of water while growing.

Common Name: Warneckii or Dracanaena warneckei
Botanical Name: Dracaena deremeusis or Dracanea deremensis warneckei
warneckii plant

Benefits: Known for removing trichloroethylene, a chemical found in many solvents, dry cleaning solutions and refrigerants. Also said to remove benzene, a carcinogene.
Notes: Moderate sun and water needs, but, like most types of houseplants, dislikes sitting in water. Avoid fluoridated water sources.

Common Name: Weeping Fig or Ficus Tree
Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina
weeping fig plant

Benefits: Known to remove common airborn toxins and increase oxygen levels.
Notes: Prefers bright light and sun, but is also shade-tolerant. Moderate water needs for these types of houseplants.